搜索 Kachai

  • At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dressers, Taew opens a new apartment but soon someone commits suicide in a room - or maybe its murder. That is the start of crazy and funny haunting incidents and scenes involving a lot of people running away from pursuing ghosts.
  • 在三位人妖大妈成功超渡古老宅院的怨女幽魂之后(顽皮鬼2),她们又受邀来到一座西式别墅。而别墅主人千叮万嘱,让前来驱鬼的大妈们千万不能靠近红色建筑。驱鬼行动于是开始,人妖大妈们却发现,这座别墅是一座男子公寓,里面住的不仅有年轻帅气的大学男生们,还有一位肌肉健硕的猛男。她们渐渐发现,这座别墅隐藏着很多秘密……
  • Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghost. But things turn chaos when they can't control and handle the situation which finally brings up a hilarious haunting story.
  • 人氣網紅莫妮卡(琪洽安瑪達雅婫 飾)在當紅時,突然自殺死亡。1年後,莫妮卡的自殺影片在網路瘋傳,這段影片的標籤竟列出其他許多網紅的名字。其中一個名字是成功經營自創化妝品牌的瑪莉莎(莎蘭通.凱烏東 飾),她開始遭遇到許多怪異事件,而其他被標記的人則接連死亡。瑪莉莎成日被各種幻覺嚇得精神不濟,甚至摔傷住院,男友阿杰不忍看著她…
  • 人气网红莫妮卡(琪洽安玛达雅婫饰)在当红时,突然自杀死亡。 1年后,莫妮卡的自杀影片在网路疯传,这段影片的标签竟列出其他许多网红的名字。其中一个名字是成功经营自创化妆品牌的玛莉莎(莎兰通.凯乌东饰),她开始遭遇到许多怪异事件,而其他被标记的人则接连死亡。玛莉莎成日被各种幻觉吓得精神不济,甚至摔伤住院,男友阿杰不忍看着她日…