搜索 Saleem

  • Mere Dad Ki Maruti is an outrageous comedy set against the backdrop of a loud Punjabi wedding in Chandigarh, directed by Ashima Chibber starring Saqib Saleem and Ram Kapoor in lead roles. It tells the story of a boy who sneaks his dad’s fancy new car out to impress the college hottie played by Rhea Chakraborty. All hel…
  • 在亚美尼亚一个与世隔绝的小村庄,鳏夫Hamo带着少的可怜的退休金和3个幼子每日赶往妻子的墓地。在那里他遇到了可爱的尼娜,她也在悼念亡夫。两人同样的贫穷,她在当地一家快要倒闭的酒吧工作,他被迫开始变卖微薄的财产。一切看起来都没有希望,这时Hamo向尼娜求婚,这意外的结合却给他们带来了转机。