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  • 二战结束后,思乡心切的大批美军士兵踏上旧金山港即投进久候的亲人的怀抱,但保罗•萨顿(基努•里维斯)久等仍不见其妻子的踪影,夕阳西沉时,他拖着孤单落寞的身躯走回家中,发现妻子早已改变,她的眼里只剩金钱不再有他。眼看家中已毫无温情,保罗也无心留恋,只是他再次外出离家是为工作。在火车上,保罗结识美丽的姑娘维多利亚•阿拉贡(A…
  • KeiraWoods(ElishaCuthbert),whosedaughtermysteriouslyvanishesinthecellaroftheirnewhouseinthecountry.Keirasoondiscoversthereisanancientandpowerfulentitycontrollingtheirhomethatshewillhavetofaceorrisklosingherfamily’ssoulsforever.AlongsideCuthbert,EoinMackenisattachedinanundisclosedrole.
  • At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dressers, Taew opens a new apartment but soon someone commits suicide in a room - or maybe its murder. That is the start of crazy and funny haunting incidents and scenes involving a lot of people running away from pursuing ghosts.
  • 在三位人妖大妈成功超渡古老宅院的怨女幽魂之后(顽皮鬼2),她们又受邀来到一座西式别墅。而别墅主人千叮万嘱,让前来驱鬼的大妈们千万不能靠近红色建筑。驱鬼行动于是开始,人妖大妈们却发现,这座别墅是一座男子公寓,里面住的不仅有年轻帅气的大学男生们,还有一位肌肉健硕的猛男。她们渐渐发现,这座别墅隐藏着很多秘密……
  • Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghost. But things turn chaos when they can't control and handle the situation which finally brings up a hilarious haunting story.
  • 《羊群》讲述了一个悲伤的故事,居住在土耳其北部山区的库尔德游牧民,唯一的生活来源就是羊群,每月剪羊毛派人固定送去遥远的中部大城市安卡拉卖钱,所得的收入再在安卡拉买一些生活必须品带回来,游牧民们从来不下山,因为他们不仅要看守自己的羊群,而且还要提防不时来骚扰的土匪,久而久之他们就像生活在一个与外界隔绝的世界里一样,已经很…
  • Three X drag Queens put all their savings into buying an apartment block as an investment. But the business venture turns into a disaster when a dead body is found is in the building. The haunting from the mad ghost leaves all the residents terrified, and they understandably want to leave. The threesome have to find th…
  • 失去一个秘密的能源研究机构接触后,一个强大的风险投资合约的检索一个物理学家,拥有前所未有的替代能源的关键私人精英军事特工队。
  • 一年前,女主角在贝茨旅馆举行的表演上看到她最好的朋友不幸被烧死。一年后旅馆重新开业,女主角去那故地重游试图治疗心灵创伤。却是遇上不断有人死亡,这背后到底隐藏着什么不为人知的真相呢?