搜索 Rim

  • 约翰(JamesFarentino饰)一家参加女儿的校庆,回家路上,女儿遭遇因酒后驾车的汤姆(唐·默里饰)引发的车祸而身亡。沉浸在悲恸之中的父母,法院的判案似乎并不能带给他们安慰。在法庭上,为保护其当事人免于牢狱之灾并保留其驾驶执照,肇事者请来的律师采用了多种手段,而受害人的父母雇的律师难以战胜他。法官准备宣判之时,被迫倾向于辩护人…
  • At 26 years old, Craig (Harry Lloyd) seems to be doing pretty well for himself.He has job stability, a supportive family, and is about to start a wonderful new chapter with his girlfriend.With big life changes on the horizon, what better time to lie to your girlfriend so you can go on a road trip by yourself to the sou…