搜索 KristaKosonen

  • 影片讲述了几千年前的古代中国,一位剑侠为爱对抗他自己的命运,他希望能够重生和他深爱的人再次重逢,他得到了这样一个机会,却是在千里之外、千年之后的寒冷的现代芬兰。这是一部融合了芬兰和中国民族神话的武侠传奇故事片。本片根据芬兰民族史诗“Kalevala”改编,在浓郁的芬兰...
  • At 26 years old, Craig (Harry Lloyd) seems to be doing pretty well for himself.He has job stability, a supportive family, and is about to start a wonderful new chapter with his girlfriend.With big life changes on the horizon, what better time to lie to your girlfriend so you can go on a road trip by yourself to the sou…