- 结束了法国对阿尔及利亚战争之后,同在撤离队伍中的美籍雇佣兵波普和法国军官巴朗偶然相识,又分道扬镳。命运却让这两位性格迥异的男人再次相遇。巴朗为了完成友人生前的承诺,答应冒险进入公司保险库放回一笔价值不菲的有价证券;而碰巧卷入其中的波普则觊觎着保险库中的巨额现金。当他们打开保险库后,却意外发现被卷入了更大的事件中。面对眼…
- SYNOPSIS From all outward appearances, Lionel is a happy gay man with a career as a cultural commentator on Swiss radio and a family who accepts his devoted lover, Serge, as one of their own. After discovering the story of a scurrilous ancestor who emigrated from Poland to Switzerland, Lionel begins to immerse himself …