搜索 Phan

  • Making music means everything for the shy Zoë. But since her father left, she never played guitar again. When she is hit by the bus from Mik, superstar Bieber size, sparks fly allthough she is not a fan at first. Off course, people around …
  • 萍道是泰国超级巨星,即将与安格的养子卡文踏入婚姻的殿堂。这一对情侣得到了巨大的关注,但是没有人知道背后的真相:卡文与萍道结婚是为了利用萍道的地位与声誉复兴家族事业。更重要的是,这样卡文就无需让安格知道他与其女儿迪尔之间的私密关系。萍道结婚的同一天,年轻的优秀保镖甘也与女友热迪喜结连理,热迪是卡文公司的员工,但是在这一天…
  • 丁丁(科林·奥玛拉 Colin O'Meara 配音)是一名记者,他有着与1米37的身高完全不匹配的智慧和勇气,为了找到真相消灭罪恶,他和他的小狗白雪(苏珊·罗曼 Susan Roman 配音)穿梭在世界各地,结识了各种各样正义的朋友们。在动画里,由于一伙毒贩的犯罪行径,丁丁结识了他此生最好的朋友阿道克船长(大卫·福克斯 David Fox 配音)…
  • It's Halloween eve on Shelter Island, and the small town is preparing for a killer storm. But the dark clouds gathering over the island are bringing with them a curse one-hundred years in waiting. As the woods give birth to an ungodly and insatiable creature of fire, bones, and earth, three sisters must scramble to sta…