搜索 Kris

  • At 26 years old, Craig (Harry Lloyd) seems to be doing pretty well for himself.He has job stability, a supportive family, and is about to start a wonderful new chapter with his girlfriend.With big life changes on the horizon, what better time to lie to your girlfriend so you can go on a road trip by yourself to the sou…
  • Netflixmeijubar.net推出的芬兰剧,一位才华洋溢的干探为了能够有更多时间陪伴家人而选择留在小镇工作,然而,他却不其然被卷入一连串令人困扰的谋杀案。
  • 十二岁以前,杰克列出他所有的工作清单,并着手在他的生活中一一实现。十五年之后,杰克成为了一个成功的律师。他的清单列表慢慢实现,也增加了更多条目。但他并没有把信仰纳入生活计划中。上帝在过去似乎并没有对他有所帮助,杰克可以在未来重拾信仰吗?