搜索 Kendra

  • On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's path, the passengers and crew must fight to avoid a similar fate.
  • 拥有一个成功的美发沙龙,即将嫁给她梦想中的男人,MIYA认为事情不会变得更好。当她收到婚礼邀请时,事情很快就开始崩溃——她的未婚妻伊恩和前未婚妻洛里的婚礼。不久,宫被一个穿着婚纱和面纱的怪异新娘跟踪,伊恩开始怀疑宫可能正在编造这一切。当一系列可怕的事件开始发生时,宫先生确信莉莉正在实施一个扭曲和致命的复仇计划
  • Set in the 1990s and told as a series of memories, TEENAGE LESBIAN is an emotional and uplifting look at an 18-year-olds final year of high school as she comes to terms with herself and her homosexuality. It is a coming of age story set in the decade before gay rights became a household conversation and a powerful remi…
  • 《俘虏》本片讲述了一个侦探谋杀案的通缉犯绑架一个熟练的记者从而应发的一系列事件
  • 拥有一个成功的美发沙龙,即将嫁给她梦想中的男人,MIYA认为事情不会变得更好。当她收到婚礼邀请时,事情很快就开始崩溃——她的未婚妻伊恩和前未婚妻洛里的婚礼。不久,宫被一个穿着婚纱和面纱的怪异新娘跟踪,伊恩开始怀疑宫可能正在编造这一切。当一系列可怕的事件开始发生时,宫先生确信莉莉正在实施一个扭曲和致命的复仇计划