搜索 Humphries

  • 被摘除器官的男孩尸体埋在偌大的垃圾场中,好不容易才被人发现。这次事件可能会有媒体报道,但是,如果主人公是来自贫民窟的无名小孩,这样的新闻会有人关注吗?法医人类学家、耶稣会士兼神父古斯?萨恩斯发现,垃圾场中还有一批数量极其惊人的男孩尸体。萨恩斯和同事杰罗姆走访马尼拉拥挤的大街小巷,深入调查案件过程中,得到了年轻记者乔安娜…
  • MAGICAL LAND OF OZ offers a blue chip, continent wide series ranging from the lands highest snow peaks to the depths of the frigid and wild southern seas; from its last populations of wild numbats to its largest diorama of giant cuttlefish. Its a land of diverse beauty, that delights and surprises. The series both ente…
  • The series follows cash-strapped couple Gemma (Thalissa Teixeira) and Kieran (Gary Carr), after they decide to open their small apartment up to a third resident.Surprisingly, new resident Ray (Ariane Labed) seems to make things easier for the couple.She makes the apartment feel bigger, not smaller, and the extra pair o…