搜索 Bryan

  • 山姆是玩世不恭的花花公子,他的麻吉安德魯則是一名婦科醫生。某次派對後,山姆一覺醒來發現自己變成女人了,於是自稱山姆的表妹珊曼莎,接續山姆的工作,這才了解身為女性多不容易,主管對他毛手毛腳,更可怕的是叫作生理期的東西。最要命的是只要想起安德魯,他居然起了生理反應。這是上天的玩笑還是懲罰?
  • At 26 years old, Craig (Harry Lloyd) seems to be doing pretty well for himself.He has job stability, a supportive family, and is about to start a wonderful new chapter with his girlfriend.With big life changes on the horizon, what better time to lie to your girlfriend so you can go on a road trip by yourself to the sou…
  • Channel4预订6集犯罪惊悚剧集《在我们死去前BeforeWeDie》,改编自瑞典同名热门剧集。秋冬季在英格兰布里斯托尔和比利时开拍。《巴普蒂斯特》导演JanMatthys执导,MattBaker负责改编。LesleySharp、VincentRegan、PatrickGibson和ToniGojanović主演。本剧故事设定在英格兰布里斯托尔。Sharp饰演警探HannahLaing,她发现自己的…