搜索 Brunn

  • When the remains of two murdered Princes are discovered at the Tower of London, a troubled Priest must put his beliefs aside to befriend a mysterious prisoner, who has supernatural powers to communicate with the dead. Together they must solve the mystery of who murdered the Princes, as prisoners in the castle dungeon m…
  • In a luxurious seaside villa, a modest young woman finds herself in the company of a strange family: an unknown and wealthy father, his extravagant wife, his daughter, an ambitious woman, a rebellious teenager, and their creepy maid. Someone is lying. Between suspicions and lies, a mystery grows and the evil spreads.
  • 一个警察试图阻止一名科学家的实验,把学生变成“cyborg-雇佣兵”。包含暴力和强烈的语言。
  • 不久的将来,一种藉由空气传染的细菌,造成世上超过九成的人失去视力。只有少数人及时赶到安全地带并筑起高牆做为隔离牆,那些未能及时赶到的人只能在牆外过著自生自灭的生活。牆外的人民发起叛乱活动,企图击溃高牆。牆内科学家则急于寻找解药,然而一群野心份子却企图利用科学家的发明,以人体进行实验。这些接受注射的人成了变种人,他们不仅…
  • 一名在网路上以恶作剧出名的男子和他的未婚妻在乡下过周末时光,没想到竟然变成一场被拍摄下来的终极恶作剧,而恶作剧的赌注攸关他们的生死。