搜索 Blaize

  • 吉姆·布劳德本特将主演新片[一个人的朝圣](The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry,暂译)。希提·麦克唐纳(《正常人》)执导。该片改编自蕾秋·乔伊斯撰写的同名畅销书,讲述哈罗德·弗莱(布劳德本饰)收到20年未见的好友奎妮的一封信,奎妮患了癌症,写信告别。震惊、悲痛之下,哈罗德写了回信,在寄出的路上,他由奎妮想到了自己的人生,经过…
  • A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a modern relationship in a "slice of life" style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someone's right for you or rather, when it's time to move on? After a three year stint in prison, the charming bu…
  • 社会现实类节目,记录昆明一所著名小学里,一年级新生班一年的学校生活。性格各异的孩子,包括一位孤独症孩子,在入学一年中的蜕变和成长。
  • A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a modern relationship in a slice of life style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someones right for you or rather, when its time to move on? After a three year stint in prison, the charming but hot-headed L…