搜索 AR

  • A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the military supply company where she works. Chased by ex-soldiers she hides with her brother, a member of a shadowy hacker group, and has to choose between her luxury life - and the Redistributors.
  • 《千门唐八将》是国内首部中美合作、好莱坞导演及技术团队打造的电影。影片由美国导演理查德·H·佩里指导,杨轶、张洛晨以及匈牙利女孩Rita Vizer联合主演。拍摄场地辗转两国三地,多国演员激烈碰撞。向观众展现了一个纸醉金迷又惊险刺激的豪赌世界。影片直面人性与欲望的激烈斗争。利益让人疯狂,也让人扪心自问。究竟应该如何在这诡谲的对弈…
  • Max and Léon's adventures, two childhood friends idle and party-goer, who are trying to escape the Second World War.@www.molikan.com
  • Alex is a shy accountant living in London. He is reluctant to step out of his comfort zone, but when he falls in love with an adorable French artist named Penelope, he pretends to be a talented artist himself; and now he needs to win a Modern Art contest to prove it.
  • Fictionalized story about the founding of the ill-fated Finnish mining company Talvivaara.
  • At 26 years old, Craig (Harry Lloyd) seems to be doing pretty well for himself.He has job stability, a supportive family, and is about to start a wonderful new chapter with his girlfriend.With big life changes on the horizon, what better time to lie to your girlfriend so you can go on a road trip by yourself to the sou…
  • 本和女友婷卡以及他们年幼的女儿辛迪住在荷兰的乡村。本在游乐场里与他人起了争执,醉酒开车回家时发生了车祸,女友不幸丧生,本也因此被捕入狱。当他出狱回到家时,婷卡的父亲拒绝让他见辛迪,而辛迪也因许久未见本而不能辨认出自己的爸爸。婷卡的姐姐黛比一直试图缓解父女俩尴尬的关系,本最终也如愿得到和女儿独处的机会,并悄悄带着女儿离开…
  • Maddie Brooks生活在纽约,刚刚经历未婚夫和闺蜜出轨的她备受打击。她思前想后想要摆脱这种窘境,于是她把目标放在了自己学生时代一直暗恋自己的Bob身上。Maddie发现Bob成为了一名摄影师,会在一周以后回到故乡展映作品。Maddie马不停蹄地赶往家乡,却发现Bob早已有了意中人,她郁闷至极,但又不想让大家知道她的生活已经乱成了一团麻,于是她宣…
  • 警察哈里森即将退休,就在他给自己的接替者培训的时候,发生了一系列黑社会成员被杀命案。哈里森和新来的警探一起接手此案。然而随着调查的深入,哈里森黑暗的过去也逐渐被揭露开来,同时新来的警官自身也有着一些不可告人的秘密……
  • 寂静之夜,保罗·欧·凯利(Josh Stewart 饰)和女友安娜(Jamie-Lynn Sigler 饰)驱车行驶在荒无人烟的国道上。他们要去洛杉矶参加一个朋友的婚礼,因安娜不愿乘飞机,于是只能日夜兼程赶路。夜深人静,身心俱疲,保罗和安娜在路旁找到一家汽车旅馆,决定暂时再次留宿。这间汽车旅馆分外冷清,服务生弗兰克(Chris Browning 饰)…