- A ladies' man is forced to change his ways when he's suddenly saddled with the daughter he never knew about.
- 剧版《十万个冷笑话》第二季第 6 集中, 没有名字的男主角(阿杰 配音)在打败鸟不拉屎大王之后,因自身的吐槽能量大爆发而导致地球遭受了空前绝后的大灾难,电影版的故事便从此开始。在灵魂中转站中, 男主角意外去到了神秘的“时之狭间”,在神秘人物的帮助下改写了地球被毁的历史,并回到过去成为了拯救地球的英雄;但是意料之外的事情发生了…
- Ruth & Alex is set over a weekend where a couple (Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton) must decide whether or not to sell their Brooklyn walk up of 40 years. The story takes a edic turn when the dynamic couple have to contend with eccentric open house guests, their pushy realtor niece, and the health of their beloved f…