- Historian Lucy Worsley debunks popular myths and royal as well as anti-royal propaganda about key events from British royal history including the English Reformation, the attack of the Spanish Armada and Queen Annes forgotten legacy.
- Lucy Worsley tells the story of Britain’s royals and photography. It’s a tale that begins with Albert and Victoria’s enthusiasm for having their pictures taken – and for taking pictures. Closer to our own time, such figures as Princess Ma…
- Expert historian, yet novice rider, Lucy Worsley learns the 17th century art of horse ballet leading up to a public performance. Along the way, she explores the origins of this peculiar pastime, witnesses spectacular displays abroad and discovers its surprising legacies.
- Dr Lucy Worsleys series begins in 1714 when, to prevent the crown falling into the hands of a Catholic, Britain shipped in a ready-made royal family from Hanover.
- Lucy Worsley travels to Russia to tell the extraordinary story of the dynasty that ruled the country for more than three centuries. It’s an epic tale that includes giant figures such as Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, the devastat…
- Lucy Worsley延续了她在BBC四台大受欢迎的历史节目,继“英国历史上的弥天大谎”之后,在2019年推出三集“美国历史上的弥天大谎”,解构美国历史上的三个神话——美国革命、内战和冷战。
- HistorianLucyWorsleytakesusbehindcloseddoorsatthreetreasure-filledroyalpalacestouncoverhoweachbuildinghasshapedamonarchyandanation.Withexclusiveaccesstothepalaces’mostsecretplaces,sheuncoversthedramaticeventsthatchangedthecourseofBritishhistory,frommightandintimidationattheTowerofLondonandtheriseandfallofabsolutemonarc…
- DrLucyWorsley’sseriesbeginsin1714when,topreventthecrownfallingintothehandsofaCatholic,Britainshippedinaready-maderoyalfamilyfromHanover.
- LucyWorsleytravelstoRussiatotelltheextraordinarystoryofthedynastythatruledthecountryformorethanthreecenturies.It’sanepictalethatincludesgiantfiguressuchasPetertheGreatandCatherinetheGreat,thedevastatingstruggleagainstNapoleonin1812,andthes…
- LucyWorsley’sNightsAtTheOpera,atwo-partseriesfeaturingSirAntonioPappano,willexplorethehistoryandmusicofkeyoperacities.