搜索 雷火

  • 传闻洛阳行宫新建当夜神龙隐现,口吐天火,烧毁行宫,其木匠或死或失踪。狄仁杰被破格提拔任大理寺少卿处理这桩“行宫纵火案”。期间一直受到神秘势力阻挠,甚至自身遇刺。但通过遇刺之事寻出线索,在隐士李先生的提点下,找到了宫少爷。以宫少爷为突破点,逐步查明真相。在红颜知己柳月如的帮助下,成功捣毁了宫少爷在地宫中机关制造基地,但宫…
  • Herzog takes a film crew to the island of Guadeloupe when he hears that the volcano on the island is going to erupt. Everyone has left, except for one old man who refuses to leave. Herzog catches the eeriness of an abandoned city, with stop lights cycling over an empty intersection.