- PANIC is a new Amazon Prime Video one-hour drama series, written and created by Lauren Oliver (based on her bestselling novel). It takes place in a small Texas town, where every summer the graduating seniors compete in a series of challenges, winner takes all, which they believe is their one and only chance to escape t…
- PANICisanewAmazonPrimeVideoone-hourdramaseries,writtenandcreatedbyLaurenOliver(basedonherbestsellingnovel).IttakesplaceinasmallTexastown,whereeverysummerthegraduatingseniorscompeteinaseriesofchallenges,winnertakesall,whichtheybelieveistheironeandonlychancetoescapetheircircumstancesandmaketheirlivesbetter.Butthisyear,th…