搜索 真相

  • 为了关系疏远的妹妹,杰出的推理小说家和犯罪专家格蕾丝(艾莉莎·米兰诺饰)赶回了位于华盛顿特区的家宅。当妹妹被人谋杀,其在背地里做网络直播的事亦浮出水面。格蕾丝无视头脑冷静的侦探艾德(山姆·佩奇饰)的警告,卷入了此案。改编自诺拉·罗伯茨的小说《BrazenVirtue》。
  • 扬名世界的喜剧演员到家乡费城进行巡回演出,却被迫回答一个问题:为了守护他所拥有的一切,他愿意做到何种地步。
  • 以林远昊和林岚为代表的检查技术人员,运用先进的专业技术手段协助检察官突破疑难案件瓶颈,攻克零口供案件。野外碎尸案背后扑朔迷离的真相,迷雾重重的国宝失窃案裹挟着的利益团伙,光鲜亮丽背后,隐藏着无人知晓的龌龊与罪恶。多桩陈年旧案被逐一解决,直至最后林岚之父意外死亡的真相被揭开。三十多年的爱恨情仇,正义与邪恶的反复较量,用全新的视角…
  • We all have foods we can’t bear to eat. But some people can’t stand food at all..
  • 潜伏千年的历史谜团,流传千古的离奇传说,是什么让事实扑朔迷离,又是什么让真相悬而未决。考古索隐,解密历史真相;死因探秘,揭开身世之谜。传奇香妃到底只是一个美丽的影子还是确有其人?汉王朝的地下密道,究竟隐藏着怎样不为人知的秘密?系列历史探秘纪录片《真相寻踪》带你追踪并揭开遗留千古的种种谜团。
  • 影片记录了世越号沉船事件发生后,在救援过程中引发争议的潜水钟投入使用的全过程。该片在第19届釜山国际电影节上首映,因釜山市长和事故亡者遗属提出取消上映的请求而成为该届釜山电影节最热门话题之一。
  • 在一个真实动物园(Real Zoo Zoo)里住着400余种,2000多只动物。动物园里有一个可供小朋友们亲密接触的学习体验馆。在学习体验馆里生活着小斑猫(SSECOM),小热狗(HOTDOG),小粉猪(PINGKY),小兔司(TOSI),小豆鼠(DOTOM),都是我们平常见到且与人类亲密的动物们。在这里每天都发生着充满友情、冒险和勇气且妙趣横生的故事。
  • As a nation, we love eating carbs, and they are right at the heart of our diet. The problem is that with 63 per cent of UK adults now considered overweight or obese, many experts think that we are eating far too many wrong sorts of carbohydrate. Xand van Tulleken is a medical doctor and self-professed lover of carbs, t…
  • Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on …
  • Stress is described by the World Health Organisation as the health epidemic of the 21st century and experts believe it can contribute to serious life threatening diseases such as diabetes, dementia and some types of cancer. In these super busy modern times millions of people describe themselves as stressed and many see…