搜索 汪廷智

  • 张凡在一个晚上竟然遭受了外星生物的袭击,在清洁工阿乐和神秘女子安娜的帮助下才得以逃脱。这俩人都自称是专门处理外星人事项的组织——“有关部门”的特工,他们告诉张凡,他曾经是组织中的王牌——“特工Z”。如今地球陷入外星入侵的危机,唯一能拯救这个世界的就是曾经属于特工Z的“立方体”,但张凡随之发现两人另有目的,失去记忆的他,只…
  • Ferit Aslan (Can Yaman) is a very successful businessman, and is extremely organized. He wants the same manner of organization in both his private and professional life. Nazli (Ozge Giirel) who is studying gastronomy needs to find a job immediately as she is responsible for covering the expenses of the home she shares …