- 卡尼曾经在国外留过学,整天拈花惹草,是个油腔滑调的花花公子,但是他必须回去当犀牛帮的老大,并与潘缇拉完婚...这是一位如烈阳般火热的女子,她的事迹在唐人街人尽皆知。他的生活完全被颠覆了,他不但要应付自己帮派内那些诡计多端、明争暗斗想要当老大的数十个手下,还要想法设法让自己那位美丽、热辣、凶狠的妻子臣服于自己。当这个花花公…
- 这是一个关于Pachara的故事,两千多年前,他的情人Matira Jijikb.com诅咒他永生不死,他等待着被解开诅咒。他认为患有心脏病的艺术家PraoPloy是Matira的转世。
- Nanthisa, the dashing girl of the company, she is the head of personal department and is the person whose should see other to follow the company's rules but she was the one who always break it. She come to work late everyday because her house is faraway from the company and she has to wait for the permission from hers …