搜索 天久美智子

  • 本剧改编自桐野夏生的同名小说,讲述了派遣职员理纪很烦恼,她接到了同事提供卵子赚钱的邀请。她在美国生殖医疗代理的日本分公司接受面谈时,对方提出不是提供卵子,而是代孕。原芭蕾舞演员草桶基和他的妻子悠子,愿意付出高额的酬劳来寻找能生下两个孩子的代孕母亲。
  • The 29th NHK Taiga Drama is Taiheiki. The series was a big deal in Japan, watched by all ages and all over the country. Hiros appearance in this series is the second time, after a small role in Dokuganryu Masamune in 1987. Taiheiki is based on Shihon Taiheiki (part-fiction novel based on the classic literature Taiheiki…