- 时光飞逝,一转眼,艾格西已经成长为了一名出色而又可靠的特工,他和蒂尔德公主之间的感情也愈演愈浓,两人眼看着就要携手步入婚姻的殿堂。就在这个节骨眼上,前特工查理杀了回来,如今的他效力于一个名为“黄金圈”的贩毒组织,组织头目波比是一个邪恶而又野心勃勃的女人。查理查出了金士曼的所有据点,用导弹将它们全部摧毁。幸存的艾格西和梅…
- Sue Barker presents a documentary looking at the life and career of tennis star Martina Navratilova. They first met on the tennis tour in 1974, so Sue was there throughout the landmarks of Martina's life: defection, coming out and breaking records. In this programme, Martina takes Sue back to Revnice, her home in the C…
- Sue Barker presents a documentary looking at the life and career of tennis star Martina Navratilova. They first met on the tennis tour in 1974, so Sue was there throughout the landmarks of Martina's life: defection, coming out and breaking records. In this programme, Martina takes Sue back to Revnice, her home in the C…