- With Joey Fane back home, all Virginia and Bill Fane want is a calm and respectful atmosphere amongst the house. Only something is still disturbing Joey and that one thing is the Nanny. Whilst Nanny is a loving woman who helps around the house, Joey sees her as someone else someone who believes is responsible for the d…
- 石金水(周星驰 饰)与吴带娣(吴君如 饰)同在乡下长大,二人青梅竹马,也私定终生了由于阿娣的父亲反对,两人不得不私奔到市区生活。刚开始金水的求职路十分不顺,处处碰壁,夫妻俩过着拮据的生活。得到工作后的金水勤奋工作得到了上司Nancy赏识提携。二人更渐生情愫,导致了金水与妻子阿娣感情破裂,阿娣伤心离去。两年后,金水浪子回头,决…