- An arrogant detective, Charles Courtney, prides himself on never having committed a single mistake in his long and distinguished career. He keeps a shelf of labeled mementos from each of his cases. On the shelf there is an open space and a blank tag for what Courtney calls "The Perfect Crime". One day a defen…
- 这部纪录片以真实的犯罪案件为中心,让观众详细的了解到美国最高级别的办案机关--FBI是如何通过蛛丝马迹的线索侦破各种形式的犯罪案件的。本片通过FBI的视角,以真实的犯罪案件为背景,描述了对案件进行侦破的全过程。本片惊心动魄,精彩刺激。每一集都以一件真实的犯罪案件为核心,从介绍FBI的人员开始,然后从案子的发生,现场调查取件,分析…