- 古德·考瑞一家是一个爱好收藏的绅士家族,他们住在祖传的城堡中,渴望过宁静祥和的生活。一切似乎都很平静。直到有一天,发生了一些可怕的事情。在宴会上,家庭成员一个接一个地被残忍杀害,大家开始怀疑他们的保险代理人,于是求助于福尔摩斯和华生调查惨案真相。福尔摩斯被告知受害者都收到过一个装有橙色果仁的密封袋,并且在晚宴上它将被送…
- Horace Vendig shows himself to the world as a rich philanthropist. In fact, the history of his rise from his unhappy broken home shows this to be far from the case. After being taken in by richer neighbors he started to exhibit an obsessive and selfish urge to make more and more money, loving and leaving women at will …