- When the sudden and shocking death of a coworker sends everyone reeling at Gault Capital, JANE, uncovers a very dangerous secret. Her boss, charismatic billionaire Thaddeus Gault, is suspected of massive financial fraud. An assassin, FRANK, is dispatched to silence her forever. Jane's flight from the office is forestal…
- 黑人喜剧明星艾迪格里芬在影片中饰演一位留着非洲发型,一副七十年代流行装扮的黑人英雄,绰号“Undercover Brother”的间谍。他被委派去打入一个邪恶的反政府组织的内部,以便在适当的时机瓦解他们,和他合作的是一位性感的新来女同事。他们在潜入这个组织之后,积极寻找组织的犯罪证据,但不久却被人发现,对方派来了另外一位性感女人来对付他…