- Inspector Morse is a British detective drama television series based on a series of novels by Colin Dexter. It starred John Thaw as Chief Inspector Morse and Kevin Whately as Sergeant Lewis. The series comprises 33 two-hour episodes (100 minutes excluding commercials) — 20 more episodes than there are novels — produced…
- 公元2029年,未来世界是高科技与信息化的世界。人类生活水平的提高伴随着犯罪活动的高科技化,于是,专门镇压高科技犯罪的特殊部队——公安9课成立了。队长草薙素子,作为一位全身“义体化”的女警,带领公安9课不断展开行动。是次,公安9课帮助公安6课秘密解决了一位程序员外逃他国的麻烦琐事,又卷入传说中的黑客“傀儡师”的犯罪事件。当行动…