- 《揭开面纱:好莱坞的跨性别人生》以前所未有、令人大开眼界的方式探讨了电影和电视剧中对跨性别者的描绘,揭示了好莱坞如何同时反映和制造我们对性别最深层的焦虑。 包括拉弗恩·考克斯、莉莉·沃卓斯基、恩斯·福特、MJ·罗德里格斯、杰米·克莱顿和查兹·波诺在内的跨性别思想家和创意人士,分享了他们对一些好莱坞经典片段的反应和抗拒。 …
- William Thornhill, an illiterate Thames bargeman and a man of quick temper but deep feelings, steals a load of timber and is transported to New South Wales in 1806. Like many of the convicts, hes pardoned within a few years and settles on the banks of the Hawkesbury River. Perhaps the Governor grants him the land or pe…