- A cohabitation comedy about a ghost of a high school girl who has been dead for 5 years and an exorcist college boy with the ability to see and hear ghosts. What he’s discovered over the years is that he can touch them and fight them off, so when he’s in need of a part-time job and can’t find one that pays well enough,…
- Tutor is said to be ‘wise’ beyond his age and acts rationally, while Fighter is the emotional kind. They started having some animosity with each other, but developed a close relationship right after. Saifah is a popular musician and is…
- 影片讲述明朝中叶,宦官专权,大太监李进中主持东厂,上挟天子,下令百官,为虎作伥,陷害忠良。他利用从东瀛人北条夜姬处购买来的黑夜彼岸花炼制奇药,并在平民身上实验以达到自己炼制尸兵鬼侍的目的。在一次次实验失败后急需大量彼岸花,便与北条夜姬约定新的交易地点,便是龙门客栈,这次看似平常交易,暗藏了李进中的大阴谋,龙门客栈暗流涌…
- 废柴女神莉丝塔要负责拯救超难模式的世界。虽然成功召唤出能力值高到犯规的勇者圣哉,没想到他却谨慎到超乎想像……「我要三副盔甲。一副拿来穿,一副备用,还有一副是备用不见时的备用。」不仅囤积异常的库存,还自主训练到满等为止,谨慎到连打史莱姆都全力以赴!如此谨慎的勇者和被他耍得团团转的女神,即将展开冒险旅程!