- 这集剧场版的故事将舞台从日本搬到了网球圣地:英国的温布尔顿。来自世界各地的青年网球高手们集结于此,作为日本的代表队,青学、冰帝、立海以及四天宝寺等几所学校的队员们也受邀参加大会。然而,大会中却发生了让人意想不到的事情!这些天才网球选手们接连受到了来自不明身份人物的袭击,魔手也渐渐迫向日本选手……不同于以往的正规比赛,主…
- Adam, a cocky MMA fighter, wins a fight using dirty tactics and then when challenged outside the Cage, unintentionally injures his opponent, Johan, in a street fight. As a result, Johan is paralysed. Guilt ridden and worried, Adam tries to find out whether Johan knows that he is the culprit, but then inadvertently gets…