- Mnet的《Stage Fighter》是一档不同男舞者竞赛生存节目。来自芭蕾舞、现代舞和韩国舞蹈流派的男舞者将通过身体表达信息进行经典比赛。专业舞者将纯粹舞蹈与流行元素相结合,演绎精彩的群舞,掀起场场激烈的舞蹈大战。最令人期待的是,男舞者们将通过充满活力的技巧和细腻表现力的舞蹈,展现能引起观众共鸣的魅力。
- Devastated by the recent kidnapping of his 15-year-old son, Largo Winch looks on, helpless, as his business partner commits suicide during a live press conference. As everything turns against him, as his business empire starts to fail, he discovers that the two events are perhaps linked: if he finds the criminals respo…