搜索 michael

  • Masena,NewYork,1998.Adecadeofterrorcomestoaclosewiththecaptureof,ElizabethCaulfield,awomanwhokidnappedfiveyounggirlsandpretendedtheywereherown.Onlyonegirl,ChristinaBowden,managedtogetawaywithherlifefromCaulfield,theotherfourfoundburiedbehindCaulfieldsdecrepithome..-20yearslaterCaulfieldhasescapedfromprisonandlaunc...
  • Booth和Brennan的关系牵动着无数剧迷的心。但是在新季开始的时候,最紧迫的事情却不是Booth和Brennan的关系,而是Camille能否本站特色:高清,极速,绿色!保住工作。Fox的新闻通稿说我们的主人公分开了一年,其实只有八个月。在此期间,Angela和Hodgins在巴黎过着只羡鸳鸯不羡仙的生活,Brennan和Daisy去印尼的 马鲁古群岛从事研究工…
  • 克拉克肯特绝对会记得他高三那年! 超人前传第四季的内容精彩紧凑,在这集中克拉克寻找三颗克普顿晶体,并阻止那些神秘矿石毁灭地球。克拉克也成为美式足球明星。拉娜有了新恋情,让克拉克如坐针毡,聪明有主见的露意丝蓝恩来到克拉克的家乡。克洛在本季中挖到世纪大新闻,莱诺洗心革面,莱克斯却进一步沉沦迷失,克拉克也臺灣電影網发现了他的…
  • 第三季开始于上一季的三个月后,为了自己儿子的回来,强纳森去到山洞里,暂时得到了超人的能力,最终使儿子回到身边。克拉克和拉娜的感情一样起起落落,而他又学会了新的技能,离成为真正的超人只有一步之遥了!在最后一集,出现了一个神秘的女孩,她拥有比克拉克强大白倍的能力,她是来接克拉克回自己星球的。看着父亲因为自己受伤,他终于跟着…
  • A failed sculptor discovers a strange, talking hole in the wall. It has the power to fulfill his wildest dreams...and become his worst nightmare.
  • 改编自Kristin Hannah的同名畅销小说,Katherine Heigl和Sarah Chalke主演。剧集讲述了两个好朋友三十年一路相伴走来的故事。?  原著小说还有第二本《再见,萤火虫小巷 Fly Away》。
  • 以提利昂·克莱顿(Steve Hanks 饰)为首的美国军方人员进行着一项秘密计划,名为思绪膨胀计划,这项计划掌握着各种操控天气的秘诀。一个小组希望利用这个计划改变世界,例如为干旱地区带来降雨。但意想不到的效果产生了,这个机器正悄然毁灭着美国的城市...
  • Left alone for the night in their new orchard farmhouse, three teenage sisters soon find themselves at the mercy of some unscrupulous townie boys. The tables are turned, however, when the malevolence that roams the orchard starts to hunt down the boys.
  •   While on a hunting trip in the isolated wilderness, a father and his adopted teenage son are turned into the prey of unknown assailants. They are unexpectedly joined in their fight for survival by a stranger who reveals the disturbing tr…
  • A look at the intersection of religion and activism, tracing the rise of The Satanic Temple: only six years old and already one of the most controversial religious movements in American history. The Temple is calling for a Satanic revolution to save the nation’s soul. But are they for real?