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  • 冷战结束,浑身是胆的英国特务夏利却接受更危险的挑战--勇闯苏联铁幕。夏利与前情报员到莫斯科追查铀原素的下落,与拍档前往圣彼得堡设立联络处,一名自称商人的德国人竟然找他们护送货品;在夜店遇上伏击,自称医生的美国游客竟主动向他们伸出援手;还有到修道阮搜集文物的电视台人员……每个人的身份似乎很不寻常,冷不防力克的女友被人绑架…
  • 伊丽莎白是一家广告公司的高管,事业有成的她却在人际关系上不如人意。一次,她在陪同侄子去游乐场的途中偶然获得了一枚胸针,这枚胸针可以使她读懂别人的心理活动。自从有了这枚胸针,伊丽莎白签下了更多的广告客户,但这也同时给她带去了麻烦。经过一系列的事情后,她终于明白要靠自己的力量去改变这一切。
  • A young urban family spends summers on an idyllic island. When an abandoned, mangy mutt wanders onto the property, the dad alerts Animal Control - but the children beg to keep the dog. A compromise is reached: the kids can nurse FRANK back to health, but must put him up for adoption when summer is over. As he regains h…
  • When a plane crashes, Newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder discovers a Note that was meant for the child of one of the passengers. "The Note" shows how dramatically life can change in a spilt second...the need to make a connection and reach out to someone you care about. If only we had a chance for those fina…