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  • 罗马尼亚新浪潮导演康斯坦汀.波佩斯库(Constantin POPESCU),2009年曾入选第62届坎城影展一种注目单元。2017新作《咎爱心风暴》(Pororoca),描述一位父亲因为女儿失踪随之而来的噩梦人生,生命的重心、婚姻裡的互信、甚至是道德和理性,都一步一步被这个悲剧吞噬。导演以叙事写实,情节绵长而细腻的口吻,道出了为人父母者内心最深沉的恐惧。而…
  • A teenager in an English town struggles to come of age, braving sexual awakening and fighting her controlling parents by refusing to eat...until a nightmarish ghost appears that may be real, or may be a deadly creation of her starving body.
  • Olly is a gay teen with disability who discovers that his two straight best friends are dating each other. Frustrated by his body, he chooses to undertake a pioneering medical procedure: a transplant that puts his mind into the body of a beautiful young able-bodied woman. When his friends see through the beautiful, blo…
  • Numa Tempesta is a fascinating, charismatic, businessman at the top of his game. Driven by a ruthless, relentless need to succeed, Numa will stop at nothing to close a deal even if it means bending the law. Thats until the law catches up to him and to avoid prison, Numa is sentenced to a year of community service in a …
  • 伪纪录风格的恐怖小故事合集,一种不畏怖、科幻、神话、神秘和刺激的混合物,被称为四个环环相扣的故事。鬼怪、幽灵、生物、恶魔以及更多来自于超自然世界与理性的好奇心的碰撞。
  • 山姆小時候曾被關在黑暗的空間,所以長大後對於密閉空間有恐慌症,而他獨特的生活方式改變了他的家人、朋友和社區。在他的堅持之後,人們對於那些有特殊需求的人有了不同的態度,曙光也同時照進這整個社區…
  • After setting her serial killer boyfriend on fire. A paranoid delusional woman gets a job at an all-night gas station.
  • 安娜正走出母亲离开的痛苦时,她妹妹克莱儿订婚的消息再次震撼她的世界,她与妹妹男友的室友亚瑟合作,打算破坏这场婚礼,无所不用其极使他们分开,试图挽救她的妹妹、他最好的朋友远离让自己终其一生的痛苦…
  • 当一艘外星监狱飞船在加州沙漠坠毁时,释放出一个又一个怪物,他们迅速消灭了试图阻止他们的军队。 现在阻止外星人的唯一希望,在于政府一个专门研究外星武器的秘密分支-怪物猎人联盟。 但由于这个团队未经实战检验,地球之战将会非常残酷。
  • 芭比和她的姐妹们带着他们的新小狗朋友经历意想不到的神秘冒险。他们回到他们的家乡,通过在奶奶的阁楼上的纪念品,姐妹们发现一张古老的藏宝图,她们认为失散多年的宝藏埋藏在城镇里。她们带着他们的小狗朋友,四个女孩开始一个激动人心的寻宝游戏。其实她们一路上发现最大的财富就是她们分享的爱和笑声。