搜索 Ye

  •   3月23日至27日每晚9时,历时2年,国际合拍4K超高清纪录片《生活在世界屋脊》在中央广播电视总台央视纪录频道(CCTV9)播出,该片以多名专家学者探访藏族同胞生活和藏区建设的形式,对在极端气候条件下西藏人民的生存发展之道进行展示,全景式解读西藏社会民生进步生态文化发展。与生活居住在西藏的人们亲密接触,走近他们的生活,参与他们的劳…
  • Brazil’s Marco Dutra, who won the Special Jury Prize in Locarno for 2017’s excellent Good Manners (co-directed by Juliana Rojas), teams with Caetano Gotardo (who penned the screenplay for Dutra’s 2016 film The Silence of the Sky) for his l…
  • 2021年哔哩哔哩小年Yeah!直播将于2月4日20点在【哔哩哔哩直播】帐号开播。哔哩哔哩小年Yeah!直播由哔哩哔哩直播主办制作,集结B站年度热门主播、艺人、虚拟Up主,百大Up主,整合影视动漫、舞见唱见、国风奏见、游戏娱乐等多类型节目,以创意组合的形式集合呈现,主打 接地气的欢乐,有年味的精彩 ,在每年腊月二十三日在B站以直播形式上线播…
  • Martina starts a relationship with Filip, a young man who spends most of his time playing video games. After Martina convinces Filip to steal her fathers money to go to the Party Beach, everything turns into a bloody nightmare.
  • 数星星了!由知名配角演员亲自演自己并互动的人气日剧《Byplayers》系列将推出第3季《Byplayers:名配角的森林100日》及电影版《Byplayers:如果100名配角一起拍电影》。  不仅前作主演田口智朗、松重丰、光石研、远藤宪一将回归,还有佐佐木希、志田未来 、滨田岳、阿部亮平、柄本时生、高杉真宙等海量明星新加盟,规模浩大!松居大悟也将继…
  • 约书亚·菲尔茨·米尔本和瑞安·尼科迪默斯这对老友创立了一项极简主义运动,讲述一切从简如何能让我们的生活变得更好。
  • A group of five classmates is trapped inside their school bus after a mysterious creature invade the road. Time runs and every passing minute decreases their survival chances against the constant threats of that unknown entity.
  • After being dumped by his girlfriend and having an unsuccessful run at dating, Dave decides to try an alternative way of fulfilling his needs when things take a turn for the worst.
  • 跨越这个由各种文化、习俗和传统所组成令人惊嘆的土地-印度的旅程。只有在IMAX科技的捕捉下, 才能让你和孟加拉虎面对面,且能格外清晰的探索这威猛动物的壮丽世界。 受到杰姆?科贝文章的激励,他在这个国家创始了野生动物保护的观念,「老虎王国」是对印度这个壮丽宏伟土地的一种光荣讚词。从笼罩蓝色薄雾的圣母峰翱翔而下直到浩瀚的印度洋,我…