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  • "Clean Eating"是欧美正在流行的趋势,新鲜、自然的食材能"清洁"身体,但事实果真如此吗,新陈代谢专家Giles Yeo博士深入调查。  Dr Giles Yeo investigates the latest diet craze and social media sensation - clean eating. Giles cooks with Ella Mills an…
  • 超级游轮星光号滿载乘客出海,特种失塔格由于与妻马汀不合,差点误会,等他化妆成厨师上船后,却发现船被一伙匪徒却持,为救人质,塔格联系特种部队,但特种兵赶至游轮时却中了匪徒的伏击,差点全军復没,现在只有他能救出人质,保全整条游轮.....
  • 这是一部最新德国惊险电影!杰米和汤姆是高速公路的巡警,他们专门负责抓那些车匪还有杀人犯,他们用彼此的信任和力量完成每次艰难任务。这次他们遇到了凯克夫人这个老狐狸,遭到失败后,凯克夫人一伙决心要除掉这两个障碍,于是他们设计了一个阴谋陷害两位警察。杰米和汤姆还能象以往那样好运吗?
  • 臥底探員馬力克在一次掃毒行動中,痛失拍擋兼好友。為了緝拿兇徒,他接受地獄式訓練,成功滲透歐洲最大的毒品供應集團,跟隨毒販從北非摩洛哥產地出貨往歐洲大陸。一隊極速車手以大馬力快艇穿梭地中海,超級跑車衝越西班牙、法國邊境,將毒品送抵巴黎的國際分銷中心,全程實況首次銀幕直擊!
  • The Doctor and Clara face their Last Christmas. Trapped on an Arctic base, under attack from terrifying creatures, who are you going to call? Santa Claus!
  • 在曼谷读书的卡塔在回家的汽车上偶遇同乡的女孩拉潘,也因此互生情意。而卡塔复读了三年的弟弟卡潘却因为纠缠拉潘的妹妹拉佩被警告。一天,为了躲避在街上小混混骚扰的拉潘又遇到卡塔并救了她,m.ysgou.cc两人相聊甚欢....但不巧的是,卡塔和拉潘两家父母是死对头,互相喜欢的两人能够得到父母的允许吗?
  • A girl flees her orphanage in a paranoid belief that otherworldly forces are after her. She seeks refuge in the remote town of Fate, Texas, but is met with hostility. The residents are about to enter her Hell.
  • A teacher's world is torn apart when his wife and children are brutally murdered at the hands of a ruthless gang. Left for dead and with no one to turn to, he takes matters into his own hands and hits the streets in search of justice.