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  • 一名寻求刺激的女孩想要参加自行车越野赛,可妈妈不让,怎么办呢?那就雇一名对凡事都不在乎的演员来扮演有求必应的老爸吧
  • 刚毕业就面临失业的艾莉森拒绝靠爸,决定先搬进空荡多年的祖传老家待业,怎知工作还没著落,屋内却冒出一堆怪物,吓得她赶紧求助「超自然现象终结者」,将家裡好好清理一番。终结者二人组戴斯蒙与杰克,拎著一罐盐巴上门就说要打怪,虽然还真的三两下解决掉怪物,但在他们接著巡视四周时,发现更大尾的还在后头…
  • Victor (William Levy) is one of the worlds most handsome men, but he has a deep secret - he is a cold blooded assassin. Smooth talking and seductive, Victor was raised to do one thing only, which is to kill for money. When he is sent to the home of a brutal drug lord to collect payment for his most recent hit, he encou…
  • Three burglars will soon realise they are not alone in a manor house when they discover a doll mysteriously appearing.
  • NBC过去拿下电影《绝地战警2 Bad Boys II》角色Sydney Syd Burnett的个人衍生剧试映集《洛城战警 L.A.’s Finest》,但该项目最终没被预订。但是经过制片公司Sony jijidy.com Pictures电视部门的销售后,《洛城战警》以13集首季被有线台Spectrum收归旗下,预定美国时间5月13日首播。 在《绝地战警2》中饰演Syd一角的演员是Gabrie…
  • An unknown virus turns Moscow into a city of the dead. There is no electricity, money has lost all value and those who are still not infected, are desperately fighting for food and fuel. The main character, Sergei, lives outside the city with the woman he loves and her autistic son. Its still safe there. In spite of th…
  • 喜剧片生活
    影片主要描述泰国的白领阶层,刻画他们多样的人生。有欢笑、有泪水、有压力、有追求。男主角由Tik杰西达邦饰演,是名叫Pun的公司市场部主管,生活和工作都一丝不苟,完美认真,绰号精准先生;女主角由Bow饰演,是名叫Whai的助理,因妈妈的裙带关系走后门成为Pun的助理,但对办公室工作不感兴趣,自由散漫,让Pun十分头疼。   公司在临近年关之…
  • 战争的阴影伴随着一名困顿的伊拉克战争老兵,他被迫在太平洋西北荒野追逐自己的战友,并最终直面他们两人的战争罪行。
  • 1865年,凯恩(伊恩·齐林饰)与玛利(阿什丽·劳伦斯饰)穿越炎热的大沙漠时发现了昏倒的查尔蒙特(奥利弗·古鲁内尔饰),二人将他救醒。当地主人本尼迪克特的手下抓住了凯恩与玛利,作为回报,查尔蒙特前去救出二人。查尔蒙特勇敢的出击,他的拳脚快速而又准确地打中本尼迪克特的手下。为了报复,本尼迪克特再次袭击他们。为了他爱的女人,为…
  • In Upside-Down Magic, a Disney Channel Original Movie, 13-year-old Nory Boxwood Horace discovers she can flux into animals, and her best friend Reina Carvajal can manipulate flames. Together, they enter the Sage Academy for Magical Studies. Reinas expert ability to harness the power of fire lands her at the top of her …