- 1942年,瓜达卡纳尔岛,美军陆战第1师占领了该岛上的日军机场,由此拉开了太平洋战争上的战略对日大反攻。三个美军海军陆战队士兵莱基、斯莱治和巴斯龙在太平洋上经历了二战时期最为惨烈的太平洋战争。在太平洋上,日本陆军骄横狂妄,对美军发起了猛烈的攻势,期间不乏使用自杀式的袭击。从惨烈的瓜达卡纳尔岛战役、格洛斯特角登陆战,及热带丛…
- Making music means everything for the shy Zoë. But since her father left, she never played guitar again. When she is hit by the bus from Mik, superstar Bieber size, sparks fly allthough she is not a fan at first. Off course, people around …
- 暮光闪闪是一只(略微天然呆的)紫色的独角兽小马驹,他和他的小龙伙伴史派克被导师(女王)塞拉斯蒂娅公主派去小马镇,学习友谊的魔法。他来到小马镇遇见了日后成为了最要好朋友的萍琪派,云宝黛西,小蝶,苹果杰克,瑞瑞。他们各自的特点欢乐,忠诚,善良,诚实,慷慨和魔法使他们能操控谐 律水晶,应对危机。日后他们生活在小马国小马镇,由此产…
- While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way.
- When a plane crashes, Newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder discovers a Note that was meant for the child of one of the passengers. "The Note" shows how dramatically life can change in a spilt second...the need to make a connection and reach out to someone you care about. If only we had a chance for those fina…