- The series is about a Customs Officer, Marcus Ashton (Ash) who is recruited to a new law enforcement team tasked with hunting down some of Britains most wanted criminals. The series is inspired by the book of the same name which details the career of former customs agent Cameron Addicott, written by Kris Hollington.
- When the pandemic starts, Dona Isadir doesn't think twice about renting out her apartment in Cachambi, in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, so she can be closer to her family. She decides unilaterally and without warning to move into the mansion owned by her son Carlos in Barra da Tijuca, much to the dismay of her daug…
- 《我就是演员之巅峰对决》是浙江卫视推出的演技竞演类励志综艺,由浙江卫视节目中心制作。 节目汇聚不同年龄、背景、表演经历,但同样具有国民度与时代性,在电影、戏剧、音乐舞台上成绩斐然的导师级嘉宾,他们抽签结为搭档,为观众呈现演技巅峰对决。史上最强演技battle强势来袭,极致演技对决,精彩不容错过!
- 终于,所有手表集齐,那一刻到来了…… 王者的诞生,背后隐藏着巨大的阴谋。神秘的组织突然出现,他们自称为历史的管理者。 身份立场的转变,跨越时间的旅行,亲密好友的背叛……庄吾、盖茨、月读、沃兹该何去何从?而他们的所作所为,与未来紧密相关! 世界会开始崩溃吗?平成时代会被推翻重来吗? 最大的谜题将会揭开!