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  • The Future of Work and Death is a documentary concerning the growth of exponential technology and where it is taking us. The film focuses on how future technology could significantly change the two inevitable features of the human experience; punching the clock and fading away. It explores how advanced automation, AI a…
  • A plover chick has not learned to fly when his family migrates in the fall. He must survive the arctic winter, vicious enemies and himself in order to be reunited with his beloved one next spring.
  • based on the Carnegie Medal winning novel by Margeret Mahy. Sixteen year-old Laura Chant lives with her mother and four-year-old brother Jacko in a poor new suburb on the edge of a partially demolished Christchurch, New Zealand. Laura is drawn into a supernatural battle with an ancient spirit who attacks Jacko and slow…
  •   Three petty crooks (Faison, Thomas, and Guerra) juggle their significant other relationships while weaving their way through a botched burglary.
  • 1945年,在二次世界大战的战火肆虐中,安娜和罗勃在德勒斯登相遇。一个是德国医院院长的掌上明珠,在家人以及未婚夫的呵护下成长,有着救助身旁所有人的一颗善良的心。另一个是英国皇家空军的轰炸机机师,在一次任务失败中坠毁德勒斯登。安娜救了他的性命,安娜善良温暖的心也打动了他。就这样慢慢地,两颗心越来越靠近… 在此时,发现了罗勃真…
  •   在欧洲移民逐渐征服北美大陆,建立自己的国家——美国的过程中,对于印第安人的处理一直是个问题。美国西南部与墨西哥边境交界的地方有一群最后没有被“保留地”制度约束的土著印第安人。他们是阿帕奇人,在大部分人投降愿意到“保留地”生活之后,仍然坚持负隅顽抗的阿帕奇人头领杰罗尼莫成了美国军方最头痛的人物。约定投降后,第六骑兵团…
  •   A wealthy rais (a head of local administration in Tadzhikistan) builds his toilet right next to the house of a teacher in the village. The aromas of the toilet disturb the life of the teacher’s family; it is very upsetting for them. But …
  • 一个不明飞行物被军方摄影机拍到突然坠毁在西雅图的普吉特湾,而后引发了一系列极不寻常的气象和地质现象:地震、龙卷风、闪电……而且,灾害在持续蔓延中。不明飞行物上的神秘化学反应制造出一个超级风暴,令西雅图市变成人间地狱。随着风暴能量不断增强,整个北美地区都面临毁灭的危险。 西雅图正在举行反对世界贸易组织的和平抗议行动,却在…
  • 14岁的Sikandar Raza,自从10年前父母被武装分子杀害之后,一直同叔叔婶婶一起住在克什米尔。Sikandar Raza一直希望通过发挥自己的足球天分,能给家里带来更好的生活。然而,他在学校里总是形单影只,备受欺辱。一天,在从学校足球赛结束回家的路上,他发现路旁有一只枪。尽管新朋友Nasreen警告他,他还是勇敢地捡起了枪,相信这有助于解决他面…
  • InanEdinburghcellar,twogunshotsringout.Acrosstown,MaxMcCallisreleasedfromprison.ThesetwoeventsgraduallyconvergeasMaxtriestorebuildhislife,whilenewarrivalErinistryingtosavehers.