搜索 Stasio

  • The fate of a championship is being decided on a soccer field, but along with it, the lives of many people who have decided to turn things around are at stake. Be it for money, as is the case of Italo - president of the Sporting team who bet everything he has left on the final result; be it for honor, as is the case of…
  •   這個夏天,歡笑與淚水一起湧現…   一個美麗的夏天,兩段豐收的感情…      1958年的夏天,在瑞典一個美麗的鄉間,有兩個可憐的孤兒安妮卡和摩頓來到此地,他們是來投靠游英夫先生的暑假寄養家庭,並預定在此度過這個夏日。游英夫,外冷內熱的單身漢,他專幫教會處理葬禮事務,工作使然,做事一板一眼,一度造成孩子們想離家。幸而孩…
  • 《拯救守护神》(Imaginapped)是由Stian Hafstad执导,Mark Ryan Anderson、Miles Hugo Brahms等主演的电影。影片通过孩子的视角洞察人与人之间的联系,从孩子们的想像力中解释善与恶、友情和正义,是一部值得人细细品味的魔幻剧情片。