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  • 拉菲在疯狂的孟买当街头摄影师,在孟买地标上为游客拍临时肖像。当他生病的祖母——他一直希望拉菲能组建一个家庭——来探望她时,他争先恐后地安抚她。一次与善良而孤独的米洛尼相遇的机会是绝佳的机会,因为当拉菲邀请她做他的假伴时,她很乐意和他一起玩。然而,尽管这个方案大大缓解了阶级差异和阻碍这种团结的障碍,但假想的情感和真实情感…
  • Dafne是一个患有唐氏综合征的知天命的年轻女性。当她母亲去世时,她也必须照顾她的父亲,同时还要调整好自己的心态和情绪,不能令自己过于悲痛。
  • Netflix演员、喜剧演员兼编剧福琼·费姆斯特登台献艺,笑谈她的南方出身、恋爱启蒙和演艺事业等话题
  • Naples. At almost fifty years old Sandro is the leader of the Apache, a group of ultras with whom he has spent his whole life at the stadium: a life of violence, clashes, passions, and unshakable values. Now that a Daspo prevents him from approaching the curve, those values are starting to falter. Sandro feels for the …
  • 一群考古學的學生,為了尋找失蹤的教授而來到一個神秘洞穴。裡面的時間與地表不同,他們受困其中,參與一場與時間競賽的冒險之旅…
  • Maggie为了不让父母担心自己找对象的问题,只好让男Gay蜜假装是自己的男友 ,而Leslie的男友只顾自己的工作上的面子问题,而忽略了自己和Leslie的感情交流 ,本来只是有好感的两个好友在相互交流之间爱上了对方,但在聚会上却又意外的被动出柜,两个女孩的感情将何去何从?
  • The story of a five year old little rebellious girl Vitka with her teenage cousin Larysa and her boyfriend, the young criminal Scar unfolds in a Ukrainian provincial setting. Larysa finds herself at a crossroads after the death of her father. Yearning to be self made, the village community ostracizes her for loving Sca…
  • 在备受好评的第一部中,里维斯扮演的“约翰-威克”是一个已经退出江湖的杀手,但他的日子并没有清静。以特拉索夫为首的黑帮分子闯进约翰的家,偷走了他的福特老爷车,还杀掉了他过世妻子留给他的狗。约翰无法忍受这个惨烈变故,于是踏上了为狗复仇的道路,只身杀到纽约报仇。特拉索夫的父亲维戈是一名心狠手辣的俄罗斯黑帮大佬,他开出重金要取…
  • 80s inspired John Carpenteresque Action. A young woman is forced to push past her worst fears and battle to deport an ancient entity back to where it came from. Set inside an underground military base known as The Artemis Black Site, the movie mixes an Escape From New York style survival story with Lovecraftian element…
  • 100 years ago, the sisters Yod and Yard were the wives of Phra Wanathep. Yard was a loyal servant to madam Kamlai, his main wife. But Khun Thep asked Yod to help him get her sister and he would reward her. So Yod knocked her out and Wanathep raped her. Later, Yod tricks Yard into giving poison to Kamlai, to get rid of …