- 主人公両津勘吉破天荒的行动引起了有趣的大騒动、讨论了长寿的秘密、这个作品真正有人气的秘密是:通过古典"落语"(日本的俏皮话,类似寓言)从根本上道出了人情喜剧的本质。在这个作品里、作为主人公的両津首次、和其它极其霸道,独一无二的人物们陆续登场。他们的行动让人侧目惊讶,引起了人们的大騒动!但是无论是谁因为何故,我们都要知道…
- 因为地址被天使所侦知,恶魔侦探芥边(浪川大辅 配音)决定将事务所搬往其他地方。与此同时,贝西卜家族的优一(神谷浩史 饰)在人间遭受巨大挫折的消息传遍魔界,其本人更是且羞且闹。正在此时,高傲自大的路西法找上门来,一通不着边际的羞辱话语令优一彻底爆发。两只恶魔现出原形,展开了一场撼动魔界的大对决。就在关键时刻,他们俩被佐隈玲…
- Catra is capturing all the Conceals on Beast Island because they have been aiding the Horde's prisoners. Only Laa-See escapes to find Loo-Kee in the whispering woods. She-Ra and Swift Wind, who were enjoying a relaxing evening, decide to help free the Conceals.
- Catra is capturing all the Conceals on Beast Island because they have been aiding the Horde's prisoners. Only Laa-See escapes to find Loo-Kee in the whispering woods. She-Ra and Swift Wind, who were enjoying a relaxing evening, decide to help free the Conceals.
- 博派现在必须和极限动物并肩对抗狂派,狂派则与掠食金刚联手,拼命找寻下落不明的火种源。然而,黄金光碟却掌握在掠食金刚的手中,这款难以捉摸的文物不仅跟密卡登切身相关,还能赋予他强大的优势,用来压制死对头柯博文。这场最终之战将决定赛博坦的未来,究竟哪一派人马能胜出?