搜索 Shah

  • Netflix开发改编自同名VR纪录短片的电影《Yeh ballet》。该片将由苏妮·塔拉普莱瓦拉(Sooni Taraporevala)执导,讲述这是关于两个来自低收入家庭的男孩的故事,他们发现了芭蕾,并通过芭蕾来逃避他们的挑战。而他们发现逃避也并不像他们想象的那么容易。
  • 著名大學醫學院教授林惜家(黃秋生 飾),專門研究人類可以長時間不需睡眠的方法。一天,前女友丘夢熙(吳俐璇 飾)突然現身求助,原來她的家人全部患上失眠症,病情去到末期,病人更會陷入失常狀態、極具攻擊性!為探究真相,林惜家開始連串恐怖實驗:潛入停屍間偷取病人大腦,又把丘夢熙關在密室軟禁,藉此研究睡眠和大腦蛋白質之間的關係……
  • 故事发生在以色列,一名年轻的法国妇女Natalie被指控在婚礼当天晚上杀害自己的丈夫, 法国政/府派外交官Karim到现场帮助她并调查事情真相。
  •   A dark rainy night, an empty house, a stranded couple and an unknown man. A sleek game of the cat and the mouse starts playing on, as the three of them find a dead body in the basement.
  • 一次偶然中,艾迪特(沙希德·卡泼尔 Shahid Kapoor 饰)在火车上遇见了名为吉特(卡琳娜·卡普 Kareena Kapoor 饰)的女子,通过交谈,艾迪特得知吉特有一个相恋已久的男友安舒曼(Tarun Arora 饰),于是帮助吉特离家出走,去和安舒曼双宿双飞,而自己也回到了家中,承担起了家族企业那沉重的负担。时间流逝,艾迪特的心中一直没有忘却勇敢坚…
  •  A story about Dolly’s and Kazal’s secrets, two cousins, who live in the suburbs of New Delhi. Dolly lives as a middle-class housewife, but she has to hide some secrets to lead her life. Under the name ‘Kitty’, Kazal meets a man while pla…
  • The Lift Boy is a coming of age story of a 24-year-old vagabond who is forced to work at a posh building in Mumbai as a Lift Boy when his bread-winning father falls ill.
  • 本片讲述伊朗三个不同年龄段女性的故事:1)小女孩哈娃(Fatemeh Cherag Akhar 饰)即将迎来9岁的生日,过了生日后,她就必须遮上面纱,不能和男孩们接触了。离生日还有一个小时,她决定和自己的好朋友共度这最后的时光;2)阿和(Shabnam Toloui 饰)逃离施暴的丈夫,和一群女伴参加长途自行车比赛。一路上,她的亲人、朋友接连赶来,试图阻止…
  • A child, left unattended in a truck, is adopted by its drivers, Mangat and Bajirao, and cared for by a woman, Buaji. The child, a male, is named Lucky and grows up street-smart in the city of Bombay. When he attains adult-hood, he meets and falls in love with Shanti, and when he approaches her dad for her hand in marri…
  • A real life account of the deadly Nipah virus outbreak in Kerala, and the courageous fight put on by several individuals which helped to contain the epidemic