搜索 Sallie

  • 根据政府机密档案表示,外星异种正试图侵略地球,利用洗脑科技造成人类自相残杀。同时,三名大学生打造了一台高科技机器人,并用来阻止异种大军的进攻,究竟这台机器人能否成功解救地球,让人类免于被毁灭的危机?
  • Betriek lives at the edge of a peat bog in the North of the Netherlands. When she and her family are attacked by a random stranger one night, Betriek sets out to find an explanation. The more she digs, the more she becomes convinced that she is being hunted by something ancient.
  • 一档开创性的电影幕后深度访谈节目。立足于独家好莱坞电影资源,以纪录形式带领观众深入银幕背后,聆听优秀电影制作人的传奇过往,零距离感受电影制造者的匠人之心,   深度探索好莱坞电影产业运营模式,力图为广大中国电影工作者与爱好者带来激励与启发,为中外电影的交流与合作作出贡献。