搜索 ST

  • 你遇到一个人,坠入爱河,一切美妙神奇...但对格茨,一个可爱的、混乱的唱片店店主而言,失心于美丽的Aylin并不是件容易的事。为了赢得这个东方女孩的感情,他将不得不先赢得一个庞大的家庭。  这不是一件容易的事,尤其是Aylin的爸爸,苏莱曼,动用他一切力量来结束他们之间的关系他想撮合医生Tarkan和他的女儿在一起。格茨被迫采取极端措施…
  • 你遇到一个人,坠入爱河,一切美妙神奇...但对格茨,一个可爱的、混乱的唱片店店主而言,失心于美丽的Aylin并不是件容易的事。为了赢得这个东方女孩的感情,他将不得不先赢得一个庞大的家庭。  这不是一件容易的事,尤其是Aylin的爸爸,苏莱曼,动用他一切力量来结束他们之间的关系他想撮合医生Tarkan和他的女儿在一起。格茨被迫采取极端措施…
  • 影片由阿贝尔·费拉拉自编自导,该片曾入围2019年戛纳电影节参展作品。故事讲述了一位美国艺术家和他年轻的欧洲妻子尼基以及他们3岁的女儿迪迪生活在罗马的故事。
  • onique Watson, a 12 years old African American girl goes missing from her Brooklyn home. Her father Micheal Watson does everything on his power to find his little girl, he holds himself up through faith and will. The police are having a hard time finding her, when Christian Baker a young New York City journalist from T…
  • 迈克迪里安第三作,出其不意,挑战疯狂喜剧类型,开宗明义纯属虚构,至于有没有实际影射,就留待观众自行参透。日本黑道贩毒走私,带货到菲岛的笨贼屡次失手,以为想出好桥万无一失,却仍然甩辘,更引来华人黑帮虎视眈眈。基斯杜化迪里安饰演二撇鸡痴心情圣,一心追求靓靓空姐,无辜卷入走粉惊魂,一盒奇怪录音带,内藏不可告人的黐线秘密。非常…
  • <p>荒凉的澳大利亚原野,一条笔直漫长的空旷公路,一对关系疏离的父子在路上。父亲凯文(雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving饰),一位暴戾而又邋遢的中年男人带着他十岁大的儿子楚克(汤姆·拉塞尔 Tom Russell饰)踏上了这条亡命之旅。为了逃避一起犯罪事件,凯文铤而走险地选择了负罪潜逃。置身澳大利亚寂寥荒芜的沙漠与荒原,两父子不仅要为了生…
  • <p>A film about cats. And Japan. And a bewildered British guy. But mostly cats.@nk2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.molikan.com&link2key=55c3e32b84 target="_blank">www.molikan.com</a></p>
  • A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles; linked by short animated segments that deal with the Advent calendar itself.
  • THE COFFEE MAN follows Sasa from Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee to Seattle, Washington (USA), the home of the specialty coffee movement and host of the World Barista Championship. From humble beginnings in war-torn Yugoslavia to his adopted home in Australia, Sasa Sestic's journey to the 2015 World Barista Champion…