搜索 Ry

  • A late night knock at the door from an absent friend brings the question - I need you to come with me, but I cant tell you where were going or what were going to do. How far would you go to help those you care about?
  • Netflix演员、喜剧演员兼编剧福琼·费姆斯特登台献艺,笑谈她的南方出身、恋爱启蒙和演艺事业等话题
  • A young spitfire cowgirl, and her coolheaded Native American friend, race a gang of neighborhood bullies to find a mysterious treasure supposedly having mystical powers.
  • 它讲述了一个中年妇女带着小孩的故事,当两个自由奔放的二十多岁的人穿过马路时,他们的生活被震撼了。
  • The story of a five year old little rebellious girl Vitka with her teenage cousin Larysa and her boyfriend, the young criminal Scar unfolds in a Ukrainian provincial setting. Larysa finds herself at a crossroads after the death of her father. Yearning to be self made, the village community ostracizes her for loving Sca…
  • 在备受好评的第一部中,里维斯扮演的“约翰-威克”是一个已经退出江湖的杀手,但他的日子并没有清静。以特拉索夫为首的黑帮分子闯进约翰的家,偷走了他的福特老爷车,还杀掉了他过世妻子留给他的狗。约翰无法忍受这个惨烈变故,于是踏上了为狗复仇的道路,只身杀到纽约报仇。特拉索夫的父亲维戈是一名心狠手辣的俄罗斯黑帮大佬,他开出重金要取…
  • 本剧讲述了GRS特工杰克?亚历山大(史蒂文?席格 Steven Seagal 饰)在一名香港富翁的资助下,带领着他年轻的队员们打击最为险恶的罪犯的故事。
  • 宝莱坞科幻大片,讲述一位天才科学家设计的智能机器人有了人类的感情,本站特色:高清,极速,绿色!爱上了一名美丽的女郎。片中科学家和机器人都由60岁的著名动作影星拉吉尼甘特饰,演女郎则由36岁的宝莱坞女星艾丽西亚蕾出演。  这部集歌舞修、科幻、动作、爱情于一身的《宝莱坞机器人之恋》创下了印度电影历史上的多个第一。影片耗资约16…
  • Six friends become prey for a sadistic psychopath when they decide to ditch their high schools after prom party for their own celebration at a secluded house.
  • Two dysfunctional couples rent a modern luxury desert home for the weekend hoping to sort out their messed-up lives. Just as they are about to settle in for a fun night, a neighbour turns up at their front door saying she has car trouble. And thats when the murderous trouble really starts. Because without knowing it, t…