搜索 Rich

  • 约翰尼(基努·李维斯 Keanu Reeves 饰)是一名FBI探员,正在与老搭档帕帕斯(加里·布塞 Gary Busey 饰)着手调查一系列银行抢劫案。然而这个狡猾的犯罪团伙行事严谨精明,每次犯案均用多位前任总统的面具伪装自己。约翰尼手上唯一的线索只是帕帕斯的推理:罪犯很可能是冲浪爱好者。为了尽快侦破此案,约翰尼决定到海滩学习冲浪以寻找线索,在…
  • 夏天快要来临的时候,巴黎女子戴尔芬(玛丽·瑞莱 Marie Rivière 饰)却陷入了忧伤与烦闷中。刚刚和前男友结束恋爱关系,本来约好与她一同度假的女友也放了她鸽子。尽管其它许多好心的亲友邀请她一同度假,但是她却一一拒绝了。每个人都有了自己的度假计划,只有她看似要独身 一人困在巴黎过冗长的夏天。她寻寻觅觅,终日游荡在各处,希望能够…
  • Norm, the newly crowned polar bear king of the arctic, must save New York City and his home. But Norm goes from hero to villain when he's framed for a crime he didn't commit. He must work with his friends to clear his good name and help save his kingdom in a winner-take-all hockey match
  • 当发电厂发生意外事故时,废水管爆破而排放出含有放射物质的废水,虽然发电厂厂长极力挽救,但是废水已经污染到学校的水源。学校内一名学生喝下受到污染的自来水后,即产生化学反应跳楼死亡。华伦和克莉丝想警告其他学生,但是没有人相信他们。「飙车党」再度攻击华伦和克莉丝,将他们逼入地下室而面对「巨型怪物」,十二尺怪物追逐他们进入学校…
  •   A US submarine runs into a time rift. A special unit goes on a mission to see what’s on the other side. They find themselves in an alternate dystopian America, now a one-man dictatorship. They decide to help the rebels.
  • Eighty people from totally diverse backgrounds suddenly find themselves in an undisclosed location where they are expected to compete in a race with simple rules, "If you are lapped twice, you die. If you step off the path, you die. Race… or die." Many will start but only one may cross the finish line alive. …
  • At a Catholic public school, Benjamin Stanfield is tired of being the teacher's pet and decides to play a practical joke on his form master Father Goddard. In confession, Stanfield tells Goddard that he has accidentally murdered his friend Blakey and buried him in the forest. When Goddard investigates the matter, he fi…
  • 皮尔斯·布鲁斯南将出演动作新片[异类](The Misfits,暂译)。本片由雷尼·哈林执导,故事发生在中东,讲述了一名犯罪高手在一次重大的黄金盗窃案中被捕的故事。该片将于本月在阿布扎比开机。
  • 1974年,牛津大学教授约瑟夫·考普兰德(杰瑞德·哈里斯JaredHarris饰)坚信世间存在着用现有科学无法解释的超自然现象,为了证明自己的观点,他集结了布莱恩(山姆·克拉弗林SamClaflin饰)、哈利(RoryFleck-Byrne饰)、克莉丝(艾琳·理查兹ErinRichards饰)等三名年轻人组成实验小组,对少女简·哈珀(奥利维亚·库克OliviaCooke…
  • The life of a misguided and intensely focused man, chronicled through his oral obsessions.