搜索 Ran

  • 賓德,一個旁遮普的卡車司機,他學歷好、個性好,在旁遮普省營運一支卡車車隊。賓德在一次折返的車程上發現了一個女孩基蘭並愛上她,她被父母送往加拿大結婚。賓德的人生隨著他抵達加拿大轉了一個大彎,在那裡他遇見了席米。
  • The story follows two Bangalore cops as they investigate an old case. Anant Nag plays Muthanna, a retired inspector while Rishi is Shyam, a sub-inspector working in the Traffic Police. Their search leads them across trails that will put their wit, resolve and morals to the test.
  • 恩里科是一名电台DJ,他的工作是接听夜间节目热线电话,倾听陌生人的故事。他和女儿分别居住在巴里和米兰,在一辆夜车上,他遇到了一个神秘的女人......该剧改编自Gianrico Carofiglio的短篇小说《夜间乘客》(Passeggeri notturni)和《失智》(Non esiste saggezza)。
  • 苏贾莎(哑巴)与苏非(苏非教徒)的爱情故事
  • 近未来,法国巴黎黑势力横行,以大毒枭塔哈(Bibi Naceri 饰)为首的黑帮更是横行无忌,连当地警方都惧怕三分。软弱的警方无法对抗势力强悍的黑帮,只能用围墙和工事将不法分子所在的区域隔离。在这个被称为13区的地方,鱼龙混杂,暗流涌动。年轻的小混混雷托(David Belle 饰)拒绝塔哈的毒品生意,双方发生激烈冲突。雷托原本将塔哈扭送警察局…
  • MAMMA + MAMMA is the story of two women who love each other and of their desire to have a child together. Karole and Ali still dont know that the enthusiasm of this first attempt will be followed by many vicissitudes, but when the desire becomes stronger than the pain and fatigue, miracles can happen.
  • 影片多面展现了美国第一位黑人副警长拜斯·里弗斯的传奇故事。在他漫长的危险职业生涯中,他曾逮捕超过3000名罪犯
  • Naples. At almost fifty years old Sandro is the leader of the Apache, a group of ultras with whom he has spent his whole life at the stadium: a life of violence, clashes, passions, and unshakable values. Now that a Daspo prevents him from approaching the curve, those values are starting to falter. Sandro feels for the …
  • 2245年,地球的光照萎缩,不再能提供维持人类生命的能量。五个雇佣兵去了一个未知星球寻找一种被称为星尘的罕见矿物来补充垂死的恒星。在他们的飞船坠毁于外星之后,他们被从未见过的一种极高级的生物所跟踪和猎杀……
  • In a dilapidated cyberpunk city plagued by crime and corruption, an unscrupulous District Attorney is savagely murdered and tossed out of a building onto his brand new car.   Mysteriously, the District Attorney and his car come back to life as a single being with a thirst for vengeance. The eerie driverless car embarks…